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Dragi YAB ambasadori, dobrodošli na platformu za obuku! Oduševljeni smo što ste se pridružili našem programu obuke. Ova je platforma osmišljena posebno kako bi vam pružila sveobuhvatno i interaktivno iskustvo učenja. Putem ove platforme imat ćete priliku...


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Anti-bullying Campaigns


Campagne Anti-Bullismo


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Anti-bullying Campaigns


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Dear Young Ambassador, Welcome to YAB training platform! We are thrilled to have you join our training program. This platform has been designed specifically to provide you with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience. Through this platform, ...


test book-pablo

Test book

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Neil book




Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cyberbullying

Bullies learn how to be bullies, mostly through the way they were treated by bigger or more powerful people in their lives.

Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbullying

Now that we are aware of what bullying means, its origins, definitions and differences, as well as the different roles in bullying and cyberbullying, let's dive into the Types of bullying and cyberbullying. Now that we are aware of what bullying means, its ...


Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: origins of the phenomenon, definitions and differences

Since it is an extremely complex and varied phenomenon, bullying lends itself to being analyzed and addressed from different points of view. It is fundamental for teachers to consider some aspects of bullying, such as disruptive behaviors in the classroom, the...

Lesson 2: EU and National legislation on bullying and cyberbullying

Lesson 3: Whole Education Approach

As discussed in previous chapters, bullying has various causes, characteristics, and outcomes. Therefore, understanding how to deal with bullying in educational institutions is a valuable skill for teachers and school administrators. It is crucial for teachers...

Lesson 4: Emotional intelligence

Today's young people are lonely and depressed, more nervous, aggressive and impulsive, more unprepared for life because they lack the emotional tools necessary to initiate behaviour such as self-awareness, self-control, empathy (Umberto Galimberti). Children...

Lesson 5: Bullying Prevention and Pupils with SEND

It is estimated that in excess of 5% of Children or Young people (CYP) aged from birth to 14 have a disability by The World Health Organization in its World Report on Disability (WHO, 2020). There has been an ongoing policy emphasis on including CYP with disab...

Lesson 6: Advice for parents and teachers

Final Test

Lezione 1: Il bullismo e il cyberbullismo: origini del fenomeno, definizioni e differenze

Trattandosi di un fenomeno estremamente complesso e variegato, il bullismo si presta a essere analizzato e affrontato sotto diversi punti di vista. È fondamentale che gli insegnanti prendano in considerazione alcuni aspetti del bullismo, come i comportamenti ...

Lezione 2: Legislazione UE e Internazionale sul bullismo e il cyberbullismo

Lezione 3: Approccio educativo completo

Come discusso nei capitoli precedenti, il bullismo ha diverse cause, caratteristiche e conseguenze. Pertanto, capire come affrontare il bullismo nelle istituzioni scolastiche è una competenza preziosa per gli insegnanti e gli amministratori scolastici. È fonda...

1.7 The causes of bullying and cyber bullying

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

3.4 Intervention techniques for teachers

Lesson 3: Whole Education Approach

As far as the bullying and cyberbullying prevention is concerned, it is necessary to reflect on the fact that it is not strictly necessary to propose so-called 'special' activities (i.e. courses that can be carried out once and for a limited period of time); i...

1.7. Uzroci zlostavljanja i elektroničkog nasilja

Lekcija 1: Zlostavljanje i elektronično...

3.4 Tehnike intervencije za učitelje

Lekcija 3: Holistički pristup

Što se tiče prevencije zlostavljanja i elektroničkog nasilja, potrebno je razmisliti o činjenici da nije striktno potrebno predlagati tzv. 'posebne' aktivnosti (tj. tečajeve koji se mogu provoditi jednokratno i na određeno vrijeme). ); zapravo, postoje kurikul...

1.7 Le cause del bullismo e del cyberbullismo

Lezione 1: Il bullismo e il cyberbullis...

3.4 Le tecniche per intervenire

Lezione 3: Approccio educativo completo

Per quanto riguarda la prevenzione del bullismo e del cyberbullismo, occorre riflettere sul fatto che non è strettamente necessario proporre attività cosiddette “speciali” (percorsi cioè che si possono realizzare una tantum e limitatamente nel tempo); vi sono ...

Las causas del acoso y el ciberacoso

Lección 1: Acoso y Ciberacoso - Orígene...

Tipos de acoso y ciberacoso

Lección 1: Acoso y Ciberacoso - Orígene...

Las causas del acoso y el ciberacoso

Lección 1: Acoso y Ciberacoso - Orígene...

La legislación nacional en pocas palabras

Lección 2: Legislaciones Europeas e Int...

Esta sección se divide en cuatro subsecciones diferenciadas por países: España, Italia, Finlandia y Croacia. Se abordarán los siguientes temas: definición nacional de "acoso escolar", descripción de las legislaciones específicas creadas a nivel nacional para p...

Técnicas de intervención para profesores

Lección 3: Enfoque completo en la educa...

En cuanto a la prevención del bullying y el ciberbullying, es necesario reflexionar sobre el hecho de que no es estrictamente necesario proponer actividades denominadas "especiales" (es decir, cursos que puedan realizarse una sola vez y durante un periodo de t...

Inteligencia emocional en los niños 

Lección 4: Inteligencia emocional

Inclusión individualizada y diseño universal para el aprendizaje

Lección 5: Prevención del acoso y Alumn...

Ambassadors Podcast on Bullying-Prevention in their school

Young Ambassadors Against Bullying - Ir...

This episode of TroyTalks is hosted by students of Castletroy College and they discuss their understanding of bullying and cyberbullying. They also discuss its impacts on a person and how it can be addressed.

Learner voice

Student research project - Young Ambassadors Against Bullying

Young Ambassadors Against Bullying - Ir...

Student Presentation of their research project can be viewed at the below link- Student School-Wide Survey is available at the following link-

Introduzione al corso


Il progetto YAB mira a fornire un supporto adeguato, innovativo e continuo sia agli studenti con disabilità/bisogni speciali che a quelli senza bisogni speciali e agli educatori, al fine di affrontare i problemi di bullismo/cyberbullismo, migliorare la sociali...

New Page


Povijest Osnovne škole Dobriše Cesarića»Iz godine u godinu mijenja se lice i izgled Zagreba. Prastari grad raste. Buja.Pretvara se u permanentno gradilište i danonoćno mijenja svoj lik u istom ritmu ukojem mijenja i društvene odnose i uvjete života svojih star...

Individual causes

Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cy...

On an individual level, these may relate to temperament, a predisposition towards violent games, an established diagnosis (or tendency) towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, limited problem-solving skills and abilities. In children who tend to be m...

Family environment

Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cy...

Lack of attention and warmth in family relationships, child witnessing violent behavior at home, insufficient supervision and parental care of the child are risk factors for the development of violent behavior in children. Also, by practicing physical punishme...

Social environment

Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cy...

The group of friends, the school environment and the social environment are influencing factors on a social level. At the educational level, the alliance between school and family is crucial. In fact, just as the parents' attitude at home has an influence on ...

3.1 Types of Bullying

Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbu...

In lesson 1 we discussed the definition of “bullying” and “cyberbullying”. Now, we will study the different forms in which bullying can appear. Let’s drive in: Physical Bullying: This is the most visible type of bullying, which involves physica...


Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbu...

Watch the following video: After watching this video, Let’s answer these questions: What are some common signs that someone may be experiencing bullying, as mentioned in the video? According to the video, why is it essential for bystanders t...

3.2 Types of cyberbullying

Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbu...

In lesson 1 we studied the definition of “Cyberbullying”, in this section we will study the different types of Cyberbullying:  Harassment This is a form of cyberbullying that involves sending repetitive or unwanted messages to the victim. It can al...

3.3 Cyberbullying prevention

Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbu...

How many hours per day do you spend on social media? These hours are the same that you are exposed to be cyberbullied or be a cyberbullier. Cyberbullying can happen at any time, and it can be difficult to escape from because it can reach the victim 24/7 So, t...

3.4 Resources and things to remember

Lesson 3: Types of bullying and cyberbu...

If you want to learn more, please consult this profiles and links: @Theofficialstompoutbullying- STOMP Out Bullying @antibullyingalliance- Anti-Bullying Alliance @saynobullying- Bibliography:


Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cy...

The answer to the question of why a child starts to behave violently is not simple. Some authors see the interplay of genetic and environmental factors as the causes of violent behavior. So, we are born with a certain tendency, that is, a tendency towards aggr...

Resources and things to remember

Lesson 4: The causes of bullying and cy...

Please, check the video below.   Learn and have fun: Sliding puzzle " Stop cyberbullying " - Classify concepts according to that causes of violence -



The project YAB aims to provide proper, innovative and continuing support to both students with disabilities/special needs and students without special needs and those who seek to educate/work with them in order to tackle bullying/cyberbullying issues, improve...



1.1 Origins and developments of the phenomenon

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

Every day, the media alerts us to the increasingly urgent need to deal with a phenomenon that is rampant among young people: bullying. The exponential growth of this phenomenon, particularly in the school context, underlines the importance of addressing this i...

1.2 The phenomenon of School based bullying

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

In recent decades, there has been a significant development in the research investigating the phenomenon of bullying involving children and young people (CYP).  Addressing issues which affect the well-being of CYP in school settings has become an increasing pr...

1.3 Cyberbullism- Definition of the phenomenon

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

It very often happens that mild or acute conflicts between peers can become acts of bullying and prevarication also carried out via the Internet, with serious amplifying effects for the targets. It is important and useful to promote and facilitate a direct con...

1.4 Difference between bullying and cyberbullying

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

Although we are talking about two detrimental phenomena that affect the well-being of other people, there are many substantial differences between bullying and cyberbullying. Often the bullying actions take place between people from the same school or group, b...

1.5 Roles in Bullying and cyberbullying

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

Given the social and transactional nature of bullying as a phenomenon, researchers had explored the differing roles of CYP who participate in or experience incidences of bullying (Olweus, 2013).   This had traditionally been divided into two categories or role...

1.6 Types of bullying and cyberbullying

Lesson 1: Bullying and cyberbullying: o...

Bullying There are different ways of bullying.  It may be physical, when it is carried out through physical aggression and abuse (hitting, kicking, shoving, hitting, pinching or assaulting with objects). But it may also refer to violence against things or pr...