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3.2 Types of cyberbullying

In lesson 1 we studied the definition of “Cyberbullying”, in this section we will study the different types of Cyberbullying: 


This is a form of cyberbullying that involves sending repetitive or unwanted messages to the victim. It can also include threatening or intimidating messages.


This type of cyberbullying involves creating fake social media profiles to impersonate or mock the victim. The bully can use the fake profile to spread rumors or embarrassing information.


Cyberbullying can also involve excluding the victim from online groups or social media platforms. The bully may block the victim from their social media profiles or exclude them from online conversations.


This type of cyberbullying involves repeatedly sending messages or following the victim online. Cyberstalking can be particularly frightening for the victim and can cause significant emotional distress.


This type of cyberbullying involves spreading rumors or posting negative comments about the victim online. The bully may use social media platforms or messaging apps to humiliate or embarrass the victim. 


Cyberbullying can involve sharing personal or embarrassing information about the victim without their consent. This can include sharing private messages or pictures online. 


Cyberbullying can also involve tricking the victim into sharing personal information or engaging in inappropriate behavior online. The bully may use fake identities or manipulate the victim to share compromising information. 


This type of cyberbullying involves sending threatening messages to the victim. The bully may threaten physical harm or use online threats to intimidate and control the victim.