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3.3 How can teachers identify and understand bullying?

Teacher’s perspective of bullying can be influenced by several factors. Indirect and direct approach of the bully and bystanders, the type of bullying (physical, sexual, psychological, cyberbullying and social) and the victim’s reaction can define a clear reaction of the school’s authorities. These factors characterise the approach and how the teachers and school’s management choose to respond to the bullying episodes. Teachers and parents need to be part of the solution and participate in the process of preventing bullying and cyberbullying. They should be aware that bullying often occurs in areas such as bathrooms, playgrounds, crowded hallways as well as via phones and computers, but bullying must be taken seriously. If teachers observe bullying behaviour in the classroom, they should intervene immediately to stop the behaviour, document the incident, and notify the appropriate school administration so the incident can be investigated. They can work with students at the class level to develop rules against bullying. Engage students in a series of formal role playing exercises and related assignments and activities. These could include showing bullies alternative methods of interaction or implementing cooperative learning activities to reduce social isolation.  Increasing adult supervision at key times is another strategy to prevent bullying at school.  Instead, if we are talking about cyberbullying, who’s present more than ever in our realities, teachers can specifically combat it by acknowledging the current technology. Today's youth are often referred to as digital natives or Z generation. Today’s youth do not know life without digital media. They use social media on a daily basis and slowly are taking over their lives. Most teachers and adults should strive to do the digital transition and to embrace the ever-changing technology. By doing the digital transition, teachers and parents can specifically address cyberbullying by teaching digital literacy. Digital literacy is the understanding  the ability to use technological tools and networks specifically to locate, research, evaluate critically, and create information. Teaching digital literacy helps students become good digital citizens and to have a critical thinking. 

In this diagram it’s systematically presented the way teachers can identify if they are dealing with bullying episode:

After identifying the type of bullying, the protagonists of the episode, the school’s management and teachers will have to create awareness and to find proper solutions in managing bullying. Creating awareness in schools for combating bullying is mandatory because it helps to create a safe environment for all students. Will educate students on the consequences of bullying and how to recognize it. By creating awareness and finding proper ways of intervention , schools might provide students with the tools to help prevent bullying. Awareness also encourages a culture of respect and acceptance, which can help to build a stronger school community.

Teachers have an important role and influence in recognizing and responding to the bullying episodes. If the teacher comprehends the dynamic of the situation and the main factors of the bullying, they can find an immediate solution. 

In the next subchapters, methodologies on how to prevent and manage the bullying episodes will be emphasised.