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Anti-bullying workshop

This document is an example or a guide to be shared with Young Ambassadors on how a session could be designed to share anti-bullying information with their peers through peer education. This example has a number of interactive activities and tools to deal with bullying and cyberbullying.

This example session would be approximately 50 minutes in duration and is divided into different phases.

These phases need to be timed so that progress through the session is managed and all the planned points are covered.

Phase 1 Presentation (5 minutes)

Presentation of the Young Ambassadors, introduction to the project and to the topics covered by the meeting.

Phase 2  Engagement with the students  (5 minutes)

The student's attention is stimulated by asking questions, soliciting and stimulating reflection.

Example: What do you think about the topic? How widespread is the phenomenon?

What are the risks? Experiences?

Phase 3 Brainstorming  (10 minutes)

Starting from the word "bullying", the students take turns saying a word that comes to their mind related to the phenomenon, all the contributions are collected by writing them on the blackboard (physical or digital). 

A group discussion of the phenomenon is then commenced based on the words which emerged from the brainstorming. (similar to a wordcloud)

Phase 4 Ad hoc video viewings  (10 minutes)

Viewing of films, such as the examples below, and then request students individually to write their responses/ thoughts regarding the film they watched. These are private and don't have to be shared, unless the student wishes


Video testimony of a boy who was bullied

Video of an act of bullying suffered by a boy

The Young Ambassadors next lead the discussion, asking questions and allowing other students to reflect on the topic/ share their reflections. Peers can sit in a semicircle during workshops, so they can easily see each other.

Phase 5 Role playing on the protagonists of the phenomenon (15 minutes)

After explaining the roles, the students are encouraged by the Young Ambassadors to play a bullying scene. Students are chosen to impersonate: bully, bully's helper, victim, supporter (those who laugh or simply observe tend to reinforce the bully's behavior), defender of the victim. The remaining pupils will play the role of passive spectators (who watch the scene but do not intervene in defense of the victim).

The Young Ambassadors moderate the role playing and initiate reflection on the emotions felt by each role.

Phase 6 Useful and practical advice  (5 minutes)

The Young Ambassadors will initiate a reflection on disclosing/ reporting experiences of bullying. Whom to turn to in case of difficulty and the importance of reporting incidents will be discussed? 

The causes and consequences of online and offline violence can be discussed, with opinions shared by groups of students. Also, the risks associated with inappropriate use of the web. They remember that they are available to report cases of bullying at school.